
“In the future, there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders.” 
― Sheryl Sandberg

Lauren Wyckoff | Co-Owner, BrewHound Dog Park + Bar

Lauren Wyckoff | Co-Owner, BrewHound Dog Park + Bar


Lauren is the co-founder and co-owner at BrewHound Dog Park + Bar, a Neptune Beach, FL-based dog park featuring local craft coffee, beer and wine on tap. With a 12-year background in environmental science and a lifelong love of dogs, she has created the business of her dreams—which has also filled a gap in her local market. BrewHound is the product of Lauren’s combined passions for the great outdoors, community building, and supporting fellow small business—and we can’t wait to see what’s in store for BrewHound next.

The Basics:

Hometown: Garden City, NY
Current city: Jacksonville, FL
Alma mater: Florida State University
Degree: B.S., Environmental Studies + Physical Geography
Very first job: Receptionist, Supercuts
Hustle: Co-Owner + Co-Founder, BrewHound Dog Park + Bar

The Interests:


Babe you admire and why?

There are countless women who have inspired me, but at the current moment: Byron Katie. I was recently introduced to her book, ‘Loving What Is’, and it’s one of those deep dives that really frames your thinking and enables you to live more fully and heart-forward.

Go-to coffee order and/or adult beverage?

A nice peaty scotch, preferably from Islay.

Favorite pup breed(s) at the moment?

I’m a huge fan of mutts of any kind, and houndies.

The Hustle:

Tell us about your hustle, providing a summary of your roles and the work you do daily.

I am the co-owner + co- founder of BrewHound Dog Park + Bar. BrewHound is a magical place on an acre in Neptune Beach, FL where pups frolic, play, and meet friends—while humans do the same over specialty coffees, local beers, and wine. Once upon a time (about five years ago), my partner Jason and I were drinking some greyhounds poolside in Orlando when the idea lightbulb popped above his head. From there, we started brewing something beautiful. It has been a wild ride and we’ve learned SO much. From working full-time while creating and crafting this dream of ours into reality, to now having BrewHound as our full-time job, it’s been both an enriching and profoundly intense adventure. Day-to-day, I handle all-things bar related, financial, marketing, social media, events, community connection, customer service and member relations, along with our managers and insight from Jason.

BrewHound has a variety of activities for people and pups. How long did it take to design and build the space? Where did you draw inspiration from in the process?

From idea inception and planning to opening our doors and fences took us three and a half years. There was a lot of ebb and flow throughout the process, and when I say we learned A TON, we did—and still are, every. single. day. Jason and I are both lovers of the wilderness and drew our inspiration for our bar structure and park design from outdoor spaces we love.

Prior to opening BrewHound, what were you doing as an environmental scientist? Was it important for you to implement green practices into the park’s design and business model?

Prior to opening BrewHound I worked as an environmental scientist for 12 years—specifically as a wetland scientist—so I essentially worked in the dark and majestic swamps of Florida for the state Department of Environmental Protection, the Army Corps of Engineers, and in the private sector as well. Respecting our wild places and choosing greener practices—even though they are often more costly—is extremely important to us. To name a few things, we have solar panels on our roof to offset our energy usage, we pay for a recycling program for our cans + cardboard, we use biodegradable compostable drinkware for to-go orders, and our doggie poop bags are made from plants. We also garden and grow accoutrements for our tea cocktails!

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What’s the community and culture like around BrewHound?

We are a big family here at BrewHound, which also extends to our members. Whether they be day pass members, annual pass holders, or one time visitors, we are all Family. Our community culture is one of love. We love and respect each other + every person who walks through our gates. You never know what someone is going through, and we are all human, so we offer compassion and honor each other often.

Off the top of your head, are some notable things to happen at BrewHound so far?

We have had countless relationships forged here at BrewHound—friendships and beyond—from seeing folks invite one another to their weddings, or going off on adventures together beyond BrewHound. One of our baristas even met her now husband here! Most recently, we had an engagement here, right by our splash pad.

How have your past professional and academic experiences and lessons prepared you for the work you do today? How have they not prepared you?

Working so close to nature in the wild and outdoors has provided me with a great respect for it. It’s also helped me to have an adaptability in extreme conditions, whether they be physical or emotional. 


What has the transition to being a mom while owning a business—and a pack of doggos—been like?

I could write a book on this alone! I will say that I couldn't have dreamed of or anticipated being wrapped in more love or support than this BrewHound fam of ours has provided. You will see me daily with Little T strapped to me, hanging in his harness or hanging out with Madi, our yard manager, as she watches over The Yard. He is surrounded with the unconditional love of dogs and gracious, loving, kind people daily. I've always been a ‘night owl’ when my creative juices are flowing—which hasn't changed—so after I put him to bed, I get to work on the planning phases of things and the graphic design portion of events or outreach materials. With three dogs and a baby, there is a constant state of howling or singing in the house. It’s so darn fun.

How has being a woman impacted your professional experiences? What can we collectively do to support and empower women in your industry today?

Outdoor fieldwork and the field sciences as a whole is an especially male-dominated field. The idea that, as women, we might not be ‘tough enough’ to handle various situations was common initially, until work was underway and we had the opportunity to prove what we’re capable of. I was often eager for these challenges to show someone what I could do or the extreme elements I could withstand—yet it wasn't actually for them. The growth I experienced at this time in my life showed me that we all have the capacity to break or change preconceived notions of self—but not for others, only for ourselves. We are all here for growth, to lift each other up and see each other’s worth in all things.


What’s one thing you’re proud to have accomplished in your career thus far?

I'm humbled to be able to have an impact on my community in such a positive way, to be able to donate much needed funds to nonprofits, and to provide a space for people to gather and support dogs and people in need.

Who are some women in your field that you look to for inspiration?

Geri Bernard is a fellow business owner here in Jacksonville. She owns Painting with a Twist in San Marco, and has been a brilliant sounding board for advice and calming heightened energies at times of stress. I think it’s very important to find a tribe of women you can trust and relate to.

Career and/or life advice for other babes?

Believe in yourself—even when others don't; when they tell you ‘no’ or that you can't do something.  Check in with your heart and let it pull you; dispel your fear by staying in the present moment and taking baby steps towards what you’re building.  

Connect with Lauren:

Instagram / Email

This interview has been condensed and edited.

In partnership with: BrewHound Dog Park + Bar

Located in Neptune Beach, FL and co-owned by Lauren Wyckoff and Jason Underwood, BrewHound Dog Park + Bar is a unique gathering place for dogs and their owners to play and mingle outside, enjoy delicious cold (or hot) beverages, and relax in the beautiful sunshine. Learn more about BrewHound here, and follow along on Instagram + Facebook for more information.

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